Sativa - A Rose By No Other Name
Sativa - A Rose By No Other Name
by Frank Andrick

"Sativa" the artwork is by Armando Cid, a well known chicano.latina artist, a member of 'The Royal Chicano Air Force' who no longer walks this earth. he was inspired by finding my poem on-line, as you san see he 'sampled' the text, and created the artwork. we had never met before until he showed me the finished work. of course it needs to be turned around long wise. it has been exhibited at a number of shows.
Sativa - A Rose By No Other Name
Mystikal, Mysterious, and Mortal.
Miss Rose I presume??
A Rose by no other name.
aaah Sativa,
A thousand stories, bedside tales, she-her-azade
One and a million secret places
Zero the void, come into being
The void I sink into
When I sync into U
U the unknown - night bloom
What will and can be - up to you and me
The shapeless breathes form
The wet whorl of an ear echoes and inspires
the fire down below.
We are none - we are one
aaah Sativa,
All the animals are here
All the angels too - Tutti
Possibilities are endless
In the infinite universe of verses
Sum surrounded in flaming blue
49 petals has the ancient mystic rose
Mouth flowers- - La Rose du Monde
Seeking the Rose of the world
Whose touch stirs the snake
Awakens the Rose of imagination.
Searing sex into vision - Seering visions into sex
The High Priestess lowers the veil
RoseCross and flame
Sight and smell intoxicate
Phases of the flowering, phases of the moon
Beauty has a new name
The Rose By No Other Name.